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January 15, 1960


• The picture cleared somewhat as it appeared that a group led by Oakland industrialist Ted Harrer was putting together a consortium of up to 20 people to finance a team that would play in the East Bay from the start

• Harrer was confident that he could work out a deal with the University of California to use their stadium for the 1960 season

• His goal in putting together the consortium was to raise $500,000 to cover the initial costs of running a team, but that none of the money was to be used for stadium construction

In Print

“Hayward Enters Fight to Acquire Pro Football Club”, Scotty Stirling, Oakland Tribune

  • Tags: Hal Schoener (quote), Ted Harrer, George Jacopetti (quote), Brick Laws, William Reichel, RT Nahas, stadium, John Scanlon, Clifford Rishell (quote)

“The Clubhouse”, Sid Hoos, Hayward Daily Review

  • Tags: stadium, Lamar Hunt, Barron Hilton, Frank Clark (quote)

“Hunt Here Today for Grid Confab”,Al Thomy, Atlanta Constitution

  • Tags: Lamar Hunt, Charles Unsworth, Louis Trousdale, Jim Clay (quote), Arthur Montgomery

“Hayward Set to Aid Oakland Get AFL”, Phil Norman, San Francisco Examiner

  • Tags: Hal Schoener (quote), Ted Harrer, Frank Leahy, Los Angeles Chargers, Lamar Hunt, stadium

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january-15-1960.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/11 17:28 by ehaight