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January 28, 1960


• Scotty Stirling of the Tribune identified other members of the Chet Soda/Robert Osborne, Wayne Valley group: contractor Charles Harney, restaurateur Harvey Binns, stockbroker and former Olympics coxswain Don Blessing, and developers Art Beckett and Ed McGah

• AFL commissioner Joe Foss said the San Francisco bid for a franchise was “definitely out”

In Print

“Atlanta ‘Out’ in AFL Race”, Scotty Stirling, Oakland Tribune

  • Subhead: “Oakland, SF Await Decision”
  • Tags: George McKeon, Bernard Hagan, Robert Osborne, Chet Soda, Charles Harney, Harvey Binns, Don Blessing, Wayne Valley, Art Beckett, Ed McGah, stadium

“Oakland Fans Well-Traveled”, George Eberl, Hayward Daily Review

  • Tags: Robert Osborne, Chet Soda, stadium

“AFL Delays Choice of 8th Team”, AP/UPI, Hayward Daily Review

  • Subhead: “Meeting Due to End without Decision; Oakland in Front”
  • Tags: Lamar Hunt (quote), George McKeon, Bernard Hagan, Barron Hilton, stadium, Joe Foss

“AFL May Delay Week on Choice”, UPI, San Francisco Chronicle

  • Tags: Lamar Hunt (quote), George McKeon, Bernard Hagan, Walter Haas, Chris McKeon, stadium, George Christopher

“AFL Pendulum Swinging Toward Oakland”, Jesse Outlar, Atlanta Constitution

  • Tags: Barron Hilton, Los Angeles Chargers, Frank Leahy (quote), Jim Clay (quote), Harry Wismer, New York Titans, Lamar Hunt, Bud Adams, Houston Oilers, Perry Ballard, Jack Rice, Robert Osborne, Bill Jackson, George McKeon, Chris McKeon, Bernard Hagan, Bob Neal

“AFL Gets 2 Bids for Miami Entry”, AP, Miami Herald

  • Tags: Lamar Hunt (quote), Bob Neal

“AFL Studies Bid by SF, Oakland”, Ed Fite, San Francisco Examiner

  • Tags: Lamar Hunt, Joe Foss (quote), George McKeon, Bernard Hagan, Billy Cannon, Houston Oilers

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january-28-1960.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/11 17:30 by ehaight